Donald Allen Harp III

Keeping a promise

Donald Allen Harp III brought joy to the world on August 29, 1997. He shared his unconditional joy with family, friends and basically everyone he met for 26 full years. At the age of 24 Don was diagnosed with an Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma of the heart.  In the last two years of his life, he lived more fully than most do for an entire lifetime. In the midst of the most challenging days, he found humor, offered grace and remained the kind gentle soul we all loved.

As a family we were thrilled to learn of the Sarcoma Foundation of America and their work in the research to find a cure to this difficult and rare cancer. In a letter given to his family a few weeks prior to his death he asked us to make a promise. Keep living and do all you can to help find a cure for the next “Don”. 

The purpose of this giving page is to fulfill our promise to Don. Our goal is to raise funds to name a research grant in his honor.

We thank you in advance for your consideration of helping us partner with the Sarcoma Foundation of America in honor of Donald Allen Harp III.
