Kimberly Dawn Whipkey
Kim was the most amazing friend I’ve ever had. She always knew how to make anyone smile, and she created fun wherever she went. She loved her friends and was quick to offer help to anyone who needed her. She was an amazing mother to her sweet Jada Raye, and cherished their time together. Kim had the strength of her mother and the gentleness of her father, and was loved deeply by both of them.
In September of 2013, she was diagnosed with stage 4 synovial cell sarcoma cancer. She had 2 tumors on her arm that are approximately 20 X 30 cm in size, and the cancer spread to her lungs and lymph node. August 24, 2014, she passed away at 34 years old and left us with much sadness, but a heart full of memories that cannot be touched by cancer. I hope with all my heart one day there will be a cure.