Participation in a Market Research Study on Soft Tissue Sarcoma
M3 a market research company, is looking for people who have been diagnosed with Soft Tissue Sarcoma for an in person or webcam/telephone interview. Participants will be helping the company in the development of new treatments and to understand how to best serve patients.
A short telephone conversation will confirm whether or not you qualify. You will be compensated for your time.
If you live in the LA or Chicago areas, M3 would like to speak with you in person. If you are outside of these areas, it will be a webcam/telephone interview.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Lana Harris at 612-720-8172. A short telephone conversation will confirm whether or not you qualify.
Thank you for your consideration. M3 looks forward to hearing from you.
If you have any questions about this research project you can call or email Beth Carey, ([email protected] or 732.542.7681). She is the Senior Research Manager working on this project.
Different patients sometimes respond in different ways to the same medicine, and some side effects may not be discovered until many people have used a medicine over a period of time. For this reason, we are now required to pass on to our client, who is a manufacturer of medicines, details of any side effects or product complaints related to their own products that are mentioned during the course of market research. Although what you say will, of course, be treated in confidence, should you mention during the discussion a product complaint or a side effect when you, or someone you know, became ill after taking one of our client’s medicines, we will need to report this, so that they can learn more about the safety of their medicines.
This information is being provided as a service from the Sarcoma Foundation of America.
The SFA is not involved in this study and will not have access to any patient information.