September Warrior – Mason
Mason Sadecki is 14 (soon to be 15) and battling Orbital Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma. He is one tough kid. He lost his dad to Diabetes in 2012, and was diagnosed in November 2013. His tumor began to grow behind his left eye causing swelling which prompted a trip to the eye doctor where she discovered the mass. That same month surgery was scheduled to remove as much of the tumor as possible (without margins due to the location of the tumor). To date, Mason’s scans are clean.
Mason is currently a Sophomore in High School. Because he is Neutropenic, he will not return to school until January 2015 after his 43 weeks of chemotherapy are complete.
Mason played football beginning at age 5 until age 12 for both the Edgemere Falcons and the Gray Charles Comanches. He has a love of all things sports. His illness has hampered his participation in outdoor and athletic activities but it certainly hasn’t diminished his spirit. He is definitely my hero!
If you or a loved one has been impacted by sarcoma cancer, we encourage you to share your story. Sharing your story can be such an inspiration to others who are dealing with sarcoma in their own life and remind us all of the urgency to find better treatments in order to make an impact on the devastation that sarcoma cancer brings. Let your experiences help others become involved with raising awareness!