Analysis of Cancer Health Disparities in Osteosarcoma by scRNA-seq
Susan Miranda, PhD,
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Recipient of the: $50,000 Amira Yunis Memorial Research Award
Osteosarcoma is a cancer that starts in the bone, and affects mostly children, especially during puberty. Osteosarcoma has a ~33% higher incidence in African Americans (AA) (6.8 per million persons per year) than in whites (4.6 per million persons per year). The goal of this application is to analyze differences between African American and Caucasian American tumors at the single cell level. Targeting WNT10B specifically in those patients that express high levels, such as in African Americans, will sensitize FDA-approved therapies for OS, thereby reducing osteosarcoma health disparities, and saving children’s lives.