My Sarcoma Story – Mariana
I was diagnosed October 21st 2023 with Round Cell B Core Ewing Sarcoma a rare and aggressive type of sarcoma that is hard to identify. It was attached to my spine and neck heading its way to my lungs and other lymph nodes. They wanted to do chemo/radiation/chemo like a sandwich which is what I’m doing now I started my first chemo treatment November 1st and it’s all hitting me very hard now that I’ve gotten many months of chemo in my body plus 8 weeks of radiation that I finally finished on the 11th of this month. Now I will be doing more aggressive chemo treatments to hopefully kill and prevent my cancer from coming back. It’s been really hard for me and my family to cope with this me being 18 and just moved into a apartment with my boyfriend he is now taking care of all our bills with me being out of work when I had just started a new job so it’s been hard to pay for simple things like groceries or even my medical bills. I’m fighting though this as much as I can being I do have lots of mental health issues and going through this is definitely a challenge and isn’t helping at all but I won’t give up cause I can’t loose my family and the life I hope to have once I’m finished.
Words of Wisdom: Love the people around you who care about you and tell them you love them you never know what could happen to someone in a split second.