Posts Tagged ‘childhood cancer awareness month’

Medical Innovation Provides Hope to Pediatric Sarcoma Patients

 Today’s post was written by Bert E. Thomas IV, PhD, MBA, CEO of the Sarcoma Foundation of America. As I write this blog, we find ourselves in the midst of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, a time to educate the public about the realities of childhood cancer and to draw attention to the need for more pediatric cancer research.  For the Sarcoma Foundation of America, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is also a time to remind everyone that sarcomas are not just a cancer of adults, but also of children and young adults.  Sarcomas account for 15 – 20% of all childhood cancers, a…  Read More »

Honor the Kids and Teens Fighting Sarcoma Today

September means back to school for many. For us at the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA), it also means bringing awareness to the kids and teens fighting Sarcoma. You see, September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Did you know that TWENTY percent of all pediatric cancers are Sarcomas? Children fighting Sarcoma are dealing with terrifying visits to the hospital for surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Your gifts to the Sarcoma Foundation of America will provide hope to kids like: the toddler diagnosed with rhabdomyosaroma when their milestones should be learning to walk–and run. the school-aged child that has a pain…  Read More »

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

  Did you know that sarcomas represent 1% of all cancers but 15% of all childhood cancers?   September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. For many children that means back to school and all the excitement it brings.  But instead of worrying about new clothes and school supplies, children fighting sarcoma are dealing with terrifying visits to the hospital for surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments.   You can help change that!  Your contribution to the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) will provide hope to a young boy like Damon, whose doctors discovered osteosarcoma in his left arm when he was just 9…  Read More »

Earning our Gold Ribbons

Guest blogger Judith Hannan has been a writer for over 25 years.  She is the author of Motherhood Exaggerated (CavanKerry Press, 2012), her memoir of discovery and transformation during her daughter’s sarcoma cancer treatment and her transition into survival.  Ms. Hannan’s daughter Nadia was presented with the SFA Courage Award at the SFA Annual Gala in 2010.  She is a featured speaker, a teacher of writing about personal experience to homeless mothers and at-risk adolescents and we are pleased that she has agreed to share her insights about her journey and beyond through a blog series. ————– It’s September, time…  Read More »

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