Todd Barron

Todd Barron, our 2022 Amira Yunis Courage Award recipient, was a man who embodied sunshine. His infectious smile, unwavering zest for life, and deep-seated love for his family and friends illuminated every room he entered. Todd grew up in Boca Raton, Florida, where his vibrant personality blossomed. From his early days as a fun-loving child to his successful career as a wealth management advisor, Todd left a trail of joy and generosity in his wake.

Todd’s life was far from a fairy tale, however. In 2018, he was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma, a rare and aggressive bone and soft tissue cancer. Even in the face of this immense challenge, Todd’s spirit remained undimmed. He embarked on a six-year battle that showcased his extraordinary courage and resilience. He endured countless surgeries and rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, all while maintaining a positive attitude and an unwavering commitment to living life to the fullest.

Todd’s fight against sarcoma wasn’t just about his own survival; it was about making a difference for others. He actively participated in clinical trials, hoping his journey could pave the way for a cure. In 2022, his unwavering spirit earned him SFA’s Amira Yunis Courage Award, a testament to his inspiring example.

Beyond his unwavering spirit, Todd was defined by his immense love for his family and friends. He was a devoted husband to his wife Deb, a loving father to his daughters Sarah and Lilah, and a loyal friend to countless others. Whether hosting epic parties, planning exciting adventures, or simply sharing a heartfelt conversation, Todd’s infectious enthusiasm and genuine warmth made every moment with him a treasure.

Even as the cancer spread, Todd refused to let it steal his joy. He continued to travel, work, and most importantly, spend time with the people he loved. In his final days, he witnessed his daughter Sarah’s Bat Mitzvah, a celebration that encapsulated Todd’s life – filled with love, laughter, and the unwavering spirit that defined him.

Todd Barron’s life may have been cut short, but his legacy lives on in the hearts of everyone who knew him. He was a man who faced adversity with strength and grace, who lived life to the fullest with each precious moment, and who showered his loved ones with unwavering love and support. His final message, “ALWAYS BE A GIVER,” serves as a beautiful reminder of the impact he made on the world, and the inspiration he continues to offer to us all.

The Sarcoma Foundation of America mourns the loss of Todd Barron, a true champion in the fight against sarcoma. His story serves as a beacon of hope and resilience, inspiring us to cherish life, face challenges with courage, and spread the love that Todd embodied so beautifully.