September Warrior – Kala

Kala Peter - WarriorAbout a month before Kalā injured his knee, he would occasionally complain of leg pain on his right femur. However, we thought it might be growing pains. Then on May 27, 2014, Kalā injured his right knee during a field day event at his school. We thought it might be a torn ligament. However, after a MRI was performed, a lesion was found in his right distal femur bone. This prompted further testing. So on June 19, 2014, a biopsy was performed and he was diagnosed on June 27, 2014, with osteosarcoma. He has been unable to walk without the assistance of crutches since the initial injury.

His treatment will entail approximately 8 months of chemotherapy (if there are no delays) and surgery to remove the tumor and limb salvage. He started his first round of chemo on July 1, 2014. After his first round of chemotherapy, Kalāʻs femur bone broke causing more complications. His right leg is in a half cast and he now also uses a wheelchair. On August 25, 2014, a second MRI was performed in preparation for his surgery. However, there was still too much swelling in the bone from the previous break, that they could not see the tumor. Surgery was postponed in hopes that a 3rd MRI scheduled for later would produce better results. So chemo continues as we wait to have the 3rd MRI performed. As I share his story, the doctors hope that surgery will take place the later part of October 2014.

While we are still in the early stages of Kalāʻs treatment, we have been overwhelmed by the prayers and support we receive from family, friends and the general public. This journey our family is on has not been easy. We take one day at a time and enjoy the small moments of normalcy when we can. Through the adversity and hardship Kalā faces and will continue to face, he is the true warrior. He continues to rise and push through these difficult times. He is our courageous little boy. You can follow Kalāʻs journey at:


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If you or a loved one has been impacted by sarcoma cancer, we encourage you to share your story. Sharing your story can be such an inspiration to others who are dealing with sarcoma in their own life and remind us all of the urgency to find better treatments in order to make an impact on the devastation that sarcoma cancer brings. Let your experiences help others become involved with raising awareness!